
To make students aware of different types of fruit trees and their identification, a small fruit garden was created near B.Sc. hostel. More than 15 species of fruits are grown here. 


A Mini Hill Forest Garden is one of the low-maintenance gardens. Forest garden come in many sizes.You don’t need acres of land to create one. Forest garden is a garden that mimics a natural forest. Forest gardens are an example of Polyculture, an integrated system of plants that function together to create a thriving system.

If the land is left unmanaged in many regions, trees come to dominate the landscape. Self-sustaining ecosystem develop with a range of complex interactions. It can be an important way to offset carbon emissions and restore balance in the earth’s carbon cycle. Forest gardens can store carbon in plants and soil for longer than traditional, tilled agricultural fields. Forest garden, like natural forest can help us combat global warming. We can play our part in protecting our planet and ensure a sustainable future for humanity . Forest also help to preserve our planet’s biodiversity. As you may already be aware, biodiversity on earth is decreasing at an alarming rate. By choosing to mimic natural forests in our gardens, we can help to protect a range of species and promote the healthy biodiversity of plants & wildlife.


Layer plants in space and time to make the most of the land area available in a forest garden, there are a no. of layers of planting.

:The taller tree/ canopy layer ------neem ,rubber,plumeria,gulmohar,custard apple,jamun,teak,mango,jackfruit,badhal,guava,bottle palm,

:The small tree/shrub-------crotons,chandni,ixora,cassia bifora,dracaena,pomegranate,tangerine,palm

:The herbaceous layer---------duranta,ficus

:Ground cover--------------------grass

:Vines and climbers--------------giloy.

:Root crops

:Sub soil ecosystem

To educate students about medicinal plants used in day to day life and to enable them to identify herbal plants, a small herbal garden was created in the college campus in collaboration with forest department Chd. Admn. UT. About 30 species of different type of medicinal plants are grown in the Herbal garden.


The college has developed a kitchen garden with an aim to give students first - hand experience with olericulture. Also to enhance the knowledge of students regarding nutritional aspects of vegetables and harmful effects of junk food. The kitchen garden is maintained by hostel residents.


A small cactus / succulents plant garden was created near main gate of the college. About 13 species of cactus/ succulents were grown in this to make students aware of verities of cactus/ succulents.




Planning and landscaping of area near M.Sc. Hostel was done and a mini rose garden was created to makes students aware of different types of roses. About 24 beds of different shapes were created and about 250 saplings of rose plant of different colors, varieties were planted.


There is a small plant nursery in the college, where seedlings of seasonal plants are raised, transplanting beds and potted plants are kept and maintained. About 250 foliage and flowering ornamental potted plants of different sizes and approximately 28 different species are maintained in Plant Nursery .