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»National Seminar Held On 21.02.2017 At Home Science College,Chandigarh

On 21st February 2017, 110 home scientists come together from various parts of the country to discuss the modern trends, issues and concerns of home science. Dr. Sudha Katyal, Principal of the college delivered the key note address and welcome the key speakers for the day .The morning session kick started with a talk by Ms. Roopal Sharma, Advisor, Apparel Training & Design Centre (ATDC), PEC, Chandigarh. She delivered a wonderful talk on job opportunities in the apparel sector and emerging trends in the field. Prof (Dr.) Subhashini Verma delivered a talk on Nutritional Interventions and its impact on the health of the elderly. Trends in Positive Youth Development were discussed Dr. Jatinder Gulati from PAU, Ludhiana followed by discussion by Mr. Satish Narula on Modern Trends in Home Gardens. Prof. V.R. Sinha from PU, Chandigarh deliberated on incubation and entrepreneurship in home science.
Afternoon witness four parallel technical sessions related to Foods and Nutrition, Human Development and Family Relations, Clothing and Textiles; and Family Resource Management .Around 30 scientific paper and posters were presented. Technical sessions on topics ranging from Incidence of diabetes, role of dietary fiber to Positive Teacher Student Relationship to Recent Trends in Textile Processing and steps towards sustainability in footwear industry. All the sessions were highly informative and thoroughly enjoyed by the participating faculty and research scholars. A book written by Principal, Dr. Sudha Katyal and Prof. Nirupa Marwaha on the theme of the seminar was also released.

»Entrepreneurial Visit by the students of B.Sc. (H.Sc) Dietetics- VIth semester

A group of more than 20 students of B.Sc. (H.Sc) Dietetics- VIth semester along with faculty member Mrs. Shabana Gandhi visited entrepreneurial unit "Honey Hut" Sector 22, Chandigarh, on February 13th, 2017. Honey Hut has been awarded as best performing entrepreneurial unit under Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) for the year 2014-15 by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. The unit has been promoted by RCED with the assistance of Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC), Govt. of India and Oriental Bank of Commerce. The main objective of the visit was to provide practical exposure to students about entrepreneurial skills required to undertake an enterprise. The visit enabled the students to know about the process of production of honey, honey chocolates and different honey products. The visit generated awareness about various opportunities available in the field of Entrepreneurship in today's world, market trends and support provided by the Government to start the venture. Chef of the unit provided practical exposure to the students about the recipes of cooking honey idlis. Students were demonstrated with various equipments, material and methods used in honey products. Thus, the enterprise visit facilitated systematic learning of better utilization of machines and materials and low cost budget production techniques to the students.


The faculty was appraised about Millennium Development goals and the benefits of Probiotics on Day 4 of FDP by Prof. Neelam Khetarpaul, Ex-Dean, I.C. College of Home Science, H.A.U., Hisar and presently working as a faculty consultant in Hisar Agricultural University. The day kicked off with knowing what Probiotics really are followed by detailed knowledge on beneficial effects and therapeutic applications of them. Dr. Neelam gave the audience simple tips and ways by which we can include probiotics in our everyday dietary routine without relying on artificial products in the market, many of which may not contain active probiotics. She emphasised that although the concept of probiotics existed in practise since biblical times, we are still at a very early stage in the development of consistently effective use of probiotics. She stressed the need to introduced probiotic food mixtures in our daily diet and that cooperation between medical researchers, daily and food scientists and the business community is essential for development and marketing of high quality probiotics food products. The second session was all about discussion on Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals. Prof. Neelam elaborated on each of the 8 MDGs stressing on the government's efforts in achievement of these. She shared her experiences working as a researcher in relation to these goals in India as well as abroad. A lot of dietary queries of the audience were addressed by the speaker which made both the sessions very interesting and interactive. Principal, Dr. Sudha Katyal encouraged the faculty to adopt the healthy practice of including probiotics in their daily routine and undertake research on related topics to contribute to the society at large in our own way.


Day 3 of FDP saw the faculty at Home Science College come closer to nature and learn about Hydro-culture. Mr. Harshit Bahl ,Director and Founder Sun Tech Agro appraised the audience on benefits of Hydroponics, Aquaponics and Aeroponics. He talked about significance of nutrients for plant growth, problems faced by plants growers and use of growing mediums like gravel, rockwool etc to enhance quality of soil. He encouraged the faculty to go organic and motivated them to grow a hydroponic garden by showing interesting relevant videos.
The afternoon session had Prof. Rajat Sandhir, Senior Faculty member, Department of Bio Technology, P.U, Chd. speaking on Research and Funding opportunities for projects. He said that since 21st century will be a knowledge society and there is dire need to bridge the immense knowledge gap prevalent. He emphasized that there is need for investment in Research projects in our country. He talked about various funding agencies like UGC,DST,DBT,ICMR,ICAR which provide grants for research projects and schemes that must be made use of like star college scheme for funding infrastructure and equipment especially for science subjects. He talked about challenges faced by institutions in going in for research. He encouraged the audience to collaborate with other institutions to work in interdisciplinary areas of research. Principal, Dr. Sudha Katyal said that there is need for a major rethink at pedagogy and curricular level and encouraged the faculty to undertake research projects.

»Day 2 of Seven day FDP on Statistics and Research Methodology

Day 2 of Seven day Faculty Development Programme saw faculty being updated on Statistics and research rnethodology by Prof Narayan and Prof Sandhya from PGIMER,Chandigarh. Prof. Narayan said that Statistics is usually taught as a catalogue of tests and the philosophy of using statistics is mostly not taught and understood. He highlighted the importance of research and statistics in collection, analysis, summarizing and interpretation of data. He talked about the concept of " Big data" and the broad categories of research. Prof Narayan discussed in detail about sampling , its types , data and its analysis. Prof. Sandhya added on that knowledge by elaborating on use of scales of measurement , hypothesis formulation and testing. The talk was made interesting by the speakers as they quoted examples from daily life and made it interactive. They concluded by giving tips on how to make research authentic. Principal ,Dr Sudha Katyal encouraged the faculty to invest more time in research and contribute more to the field quantitatively and qualitatively.

»Seven day Faculty Development Programme kick starts in HOME SCIENCE COLLEGE

A Seven day Faculty Development Programme was inaugurated in Government Home Science College, Chandigarh themed "Meeting Diverse Challenges of Modern Day Education" on February 1 under the aegis of RUSA and Department of Higher Education, Chandigarh Administration.Mr. Jatindra Yadav, I.A.S,Director Higher Education was the chief guest for the day.Dr. Sudha Katyal , Principal of the college gave a floral welcome to him and gave an inaugural address and a background note about faculty development programme (FDP). She highlighted the importance and contribution of RUSA since its conception in 2013.She appreciated the efforts taken by RUSA to fund FDP's for enhancing capacity building of teaching faculty in institutes of higher learning to meet challenges of modern day educational system.

Mr. Jatindra Yadav, I.A.S,Director Higher Education addressed the faculty on the challenges of modern education system and motivated the faculty to make the best of FDP.He encouraged the teaching faculty to invest time and resources provided to them in Research projects and authentic publications to help improve the quality of education disseminated. The morning session kickstarted with a talk on "Quality Assurance in Higher Education -A gate Way for Excellence,by Dr. Dalip Kumar,State Project Director, RUSA,UT,Chandigarh Administration. He said that Quality Assurance is not a one day job nor a source of stress but should be planned and involve continuing regular improvement and compliance for achievement of goals. He also talked about Institutional and Programme Accreditation and its benefits. He emphasised on much needed reforms in Higher Education.He stressed that there is dire need for enhancement of research, consultancy and development of Modules pertaining to finishing schools to deal with challenges of Modern Higher Education.
The afternoon session was headed by Dr. Bhavneet,Professor in Department of Pediatrics,PGIMER,Chandigarh. She elaborated on ' what mind brain and education can do for teaching very interesting manner. She enlightened the audience with latest trends in respect to brain development amongst adolescents. She talked about the differences between fixed and growth mind sets along with role of synaptic pruning and myelination in human brain. She emphasized that adults must provide learning moments rather than rote learning and must include humour in their teaching- learning process. She concluded by giving tips on how neuroscience can change the classroom life by including variety in teaching strategy , making learning fun and making use of music as a component in pedagogy.Both the sessions were highly informative, interactive and thoroughly enjoyed by the faculty.


»Seven day Faculty Development Programme kick starts in HOME SCIENCE COLLEGE, SECTOR-10,CHANDIGARH

A Seven day Faculty Development Programme was inaugurated in Government Home Science College, Chandigarh themed "Meeting Diverse Challenges of Modern Day Education" on February 1 under the aegis of RUSA and Department of Higher Education, Chandigarh Administration.Mr. Jatindra Yadav, I.A.S,Director Higher Education was the chief guest for the day.Dr. Sudha Katyal , Principal of the college gave a floral welcome to him and gave an inaugural address and a background note about faculty development programme (FDP). She highlighted the importance and contribution of RUSA since its conception in 2013.She appreciated the efforts taken by RUSA to fund FDP's for enhancing capacity building of teaching faculty in institutes of higher learning to meet challenges of modern day educational system.

Mr. Jatindra Yadav, I.A.S,Director Higher Education addressed the faculty on the challenges of modern education system and motivated the faculty to make the best of FDP.He encouraged the teaching faculty to invest time and resources provided to them in Research projects and authentic publications to help improve the quality of education disseminated. The morning session kickstarted with a talk on "Quality Assurance in Higher Education -A gate Way for Excellence,by Dr. Dalip Kumar,State Project Director, RUSA,UT,Chandigarh Administration. He said that Quality Assurance is not a one day job nor a source of stress but should be planned and involve continuing regular improvement and compliance for achievement of goals. He also talked about Institutional and Programme Accreditation and its benefits. He emphasised on much needed reforms in Higher Education.He stressed that there is dire need for enhancement of research, consultancy and development of Modules pertaining to finishing schools to deal with challenges of Modern Higher Education.
The afternoon session was headed by Dr. Bhavneet,Professor in Department of Pediatrics,PGIMER,Chandigarh. She elaborated on ' what mind brain and education can do for teaching very interesting manner. She enlightened the audience with latest trends in respect to brain development amongst adolescents. She talked about the differences between fixed and growth mind sets along with role of synaptic pruning and myelination in human brain. She emphasized that adults must provide learning moments rather than rote learning and must include humour in their teaching- learning process. She concluded by giving tips on how neuroscience can change the classroom life by including variety in teaching strategy , making learning fun and making use of music as a component in pedagogy.Both the sessions were highly informative, interactive and thoroughly enjoyed by the faculty.


»Students bring laurels to College

Students of Government Home Science College won laurels in" Safe Breaking Contest" organised by Chandigarh Traffic police and Honda Company on January 21,2017. Aarti of B.Sc.(Interior Design Management)3rd year won the Ist prize and Dolly of B.Sc. (H.Sc.)1st year bagged the 3rd prize.

»NCC and NSS students of Government Home Science College mark the celebrations of Shahidi Diwas

NCC and NSS students of Government Home Science College visited the War Memorial, Chandigarh among students of other colleges and dignitaries of the Administration to mark the celebrations of Shahidi Diwas. They payed homage to all the soldiers who fought bravely and laid down their lives for the country.

»Two day workshop on Entrepreneurial Awareness and Skill Enhancement

Two day workshop on Entrepreneurial Awareness and Skill Enhancement kick starts in Home Science College

A two day workshop on Entrepreneurial Awareness and Skill Enhancement was inaugurated by Dr. Sudha Katyal, Principal of the college and Mr. Paramjit Singh, Principal Director, Regional Centre for Entrepreneurship Development today. The interactive workshop was conducted with the aim of inculcating entrepreneurial skills among the participants. The workshop was attended by 90 undergraduate and post graduate students of Home Science and Fashion Designing.
Dr. Sudha Katyal urged the students to be job creators instead of Job seekers. She said that entrepreneurship is not about age, religion or qualification specific but it is about thinking big and being passionate about one's dream. Mr. Paramjit Singh highlighted the significance of entrepreneurship in India by presenting relevant statistics and discussing the global position of India in the world. He quoted success stories of various startup entrepreneurs in the Tricity and all over India and talked about the charms of being a self-employed person. The workshop was highly informative, enlightening and appreciated by all the participants as they gained a better understanding and requisite knowledge of the critical steps involved in starting one's own venture.

»Interclass Badminton competition organized in College

An Interclass Badminton competition was organized by the Physical Education Department of the college from January 27 – 30 ,2017. A total of 50 entries were received who participated in Singles and doubles category . Principal, Prof. Rawinder Chaudhary, member IAAF and Prof. Harpreet Kaur gave away the prizes to the prize winners. In the category of singles, the 1st position was bagged by Priyakiran of B.Sc ATD 6th Sem, 2nd position by Mansi Jindal of B.Sc Home Science 2nd Sem and Pooja of B.Sc Home Science 4th Sem bagged the 3rd position. 8 team entries were received for the Doubles game. Ankita and Pooja ( H.Sc 4th Sem) stood first, Priyakiran (Bsc ATD 6th Sem) and Pavleen (B.Sc H.Sc 4th Sem ) stood second and Jasleen and Abhishikha ( H.Sc 4th Sem) came 3rd. Principal, Dr Sudha Katyal applauded the efforts of the department to encourage such activities in the college and congratulated all the prize winners and participants of this three day badminton tournament.

»Home Science Students Celebrate National Voter Day

NSS wing of the Government Home Science College headed by NSS programme Officer Mrs. Chhaya Verma celebrated the Seventh National Voter day on January 25, 2017. Students took a pledge to committedly work towards promoting democratic electoral participation. Poster making, slogan writing and declamation competitions was also conducted on the theme 'Empowering young and future voters' to infuse democratic values, sense of empowerment and pride among the students. Dr. Sudha Katyal, Principal of the college urged the new eligible students to participate in electoral process by enrolling and registering themselves and practice responsible, informed and ethical voting.

»Workshop on Educational Avenues Abroad

Government Home Science College organised a workshop on Educational Avenues Abroad for final year students of B.Sc. Home Science and Fashion Designing in collaboration with Manya Education Private Limited (MEPL). They oriented the aspiring students to choose their career and education avenues abroad. The main focus was on providing guidance for preparation of various tests such as GMAT, GRE, SAT, IELTS, ACT and TOEFL for studying abroad. They also touched on the procedural steps for securing admissions in reputed universities and colleges across the world.
Dr. Sudha Katyal , Principal of the college urged the participants to take part in the workshop actively so as to receive hand-on assistance in how to go about admission, application process, popular and new courses, and work experience which all are crucial requirements for any one interested in going abroad for further studies.

»Government Home Science College organizes One day workshop on Ethics and Interpersonal Relationship

Government Home Science College organizes One day workshop on Ethics and Interpersonal Relationship at Work Place

Home Science College organized a one day workshop on "Ethics and Interpersonal Relationship at Work Place" on 27th January,2017 for teaching, laboratory, office and support staff of the college. The workshop was conducted by Mr Manish Kumar Aggarwal from Mind Food Chef which provided a mental treat to all the faculty members. 
He conducted morning and an evening interactive session with the audience wherein he elaborated on various Ethics that are a must to be followed especially at the workplace so as to ensure the smooth running of any organization. The speaker quoted various instances from daily life as well as those with from mythology which struck a chord with the audience present. He talked in detail about the importance of Equality, Discipline, Respect, Honesty , Empathy ,Cooperation, Unity , Transparency and Integrity at the workplace. The sessions were thoroughly enjoyed by one and all wherein they shared their personal problems also with the speaker. Principal, Dr Sudha Katyal encouraged the audience to be the change they want to see in others and work in unity to take the institution to greater heights.

»Home Science College holds interactive seminar on Sexual Behavior among Youth: Pleasure and Safety

An interactive seminar was organized in Home Science College on the theme ' Sexual Behavior among Youth: Pleasure and Safety'. The students of Human Development and Family Relations had an interactive session initiated by Ms. Pooja Brar, Doctorate Research Fellow and an Undergraduate Advisor from department of Family Social Science, University of Minnesota on 19-01-2017. Principal, Dr. Sudha Katyal, inaugurated the session and Dr. Reetinder Brar, Head of the Department welcomed the speaker. The talk was centered around intimate relationships among the Indian youth focusing on the pleasure and safety aspects involved in the heterosexual relationships. Students interacted well and shared their viewpoints with the speaker. The audience gave their inputs on the dating culture among youth. Principal, Dr. Sudha Katyal encouraged the students to work on the aforesaid topic for further advances in research in this area.


Government Home Science College in collaboration with Indian Dietetics Association (IDA), Chandigarh Chapter and Fortis Hospital Mohali celebrated 3rd National Dietetics Day in the College Campus on 11th Jan, 2017. Stalwarts in the field of nutrition participated in the celebrations. The theme of the day was ''Consult a Dietician- Get Fooducated''. Dr.Parvinder Chawla, (Internal Medicine), Fortis Hospital gave an inaugural address on healthy lifestyle management. Ms. Sonia Gandhi, (Chief Dietician) Fortis Hospital talked about patient management: dietician and doctor- a collective responsibility. It was followed by the inauguration of a health camp where free health check-up and diet consultation was provided for all students, faculty and staff of the college. Principal, Dr. Sudha Katyal inaugurated the health mela and emphasized on the role of nutrition for a healthy life.



A special seven day NSS camp organized by Government Home Science College concluded on Dec 29, 2016. Awareness drives through rallies, exhibition, skit, and street plays were carried out throughout the week to create consciousness among the villagers on the theme of digital transactions and swachhta. During the valedictory session, Dr. Sudha Katyal congratulated the NSS programme officers from the college, Dr. Ritu Pradhan and Mrs. Chhaya Verma on successful conduction of the camp. She also appreciated the efforts of the NSS volunteers in carrying out all activities wholeheartedly and enthusiastically throughout the week and bringing about a constructive change in the mindset of villagers regarding digital payments. NSS students shared their enriching experiences and took an oath to continue performing selfless service to the society in the future. The efforts were highly appreciated by the Sarpanch and Mahila Mandal Pradhan of Khuda ali Sher.


NSS Camp is in its full swing in Government Home Science College, Chandigarh. The camp is led by NSS programme officers, Dr. Ritu Pradhan and Mrs. Chhaya Verma, of the College with an objective of providing opportunity to the students to make a positive contribution to the society along with imbibing a sense of responsibility in young minds. The NSS team provided first hand practical training on digital modes of payment on the second day of the camp at Tibbi sahib Gurudwara .This interactive workshop cleared the misconceptions of credibility of online transactions among the people. Nukkad natak on the eve of Christmas was the highlight of the day.

The third day of NSS Camp commenced with cleanliness drive throughout the village 'Khuda Alisher'. It was followed by extension lecture on sanitation and cleanliness for healthy environment by NSS Volunteers. A documentary movie on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was also shown to bring about behavioural change towards adopting healthy and hygienic practices. On the fourth day, poster making and slogan writing activity on 'Digital Literacy' was held by NSS volunteers. Later, the students marched through the roads of neighbouring sectors with their banners and posters spreading the word about the same. Volunteers enthusiastically participated in all the events and showcased their talent. Dr. Sudha Katyal, Principal of the college reviewed the activities performed by the students and motivated the students to play their part sincerely and honestly.


A seven day special NSS camp of Govt. Home Science College started today with lot of zeal and a spirit of enthusiasm in the adopted village, Khuda Ali Sher. Dr. Sudha Katyal, Principal of the college was the chief guest on the inaugural day. The thrust of the camp activities in the entire week would be on Digital Literacy and Swachhata in line with national aims of Digital India and Swachh Bharat Abhiyain.

Today, a lecture on different modes of digital transaction through prepaid wallet, USSD, UPI, cards and POS was conducted by the experts in coordination with 100 NSS volunteers. The drive was made interesting for the villagers by holding an awareness rally.NSS volunteers in groups visited every household to practically educate the people regarding online payments.

This social service initiative was taken up with the aim of utilizing the unexplored talents and energy of the youth to provide knowledge service to the community. In a highly inspirational speech, Dr. Sudha Katyal encouraged the student volunteers to become positive change agents of society by carrying out selfless service throughout their life.

»Home Science College Organises Workshop on Vittiya Saksharata for Resident Students

In tune with Government's initiative to create a 'cashless society' and 'digital economy', Government Home Science College organized one day hands on workshop on Vittiya Saksharata on November 17,2016 for 390 resident students of B.Sc. and M.Sc. hostel. 

Mr. Ravishankar Kumar, Manager, State Bank of Patiala talked about the process of digitizing the entire banking process and advocated the benefits of digital mode of payment through various banking apps. Mr Nikhilesh Shenoy, Assistant Manager, State Bank of Patiala educated participants on digital transactions by demonstrating various cost effective and secured options of digital dealings. Principal, Dr. Sudha Katyal motivated the students to embrace technology by initiating digital and e-transactions and contribute their bit towards fighting black money and corruption. 

The workshop was very enlightening and provided a practical exposure of digital transaction to the students.

»Home Science College Organises Workshops on Capacity Building on Gardening Techniques

Home Science College Organises Workshops on Capacity Building on Gardening Techniques and Practices, E-Learning, Online Student Record Keeping and Digital Payment Systems

Home Science College organised one day hands on workshops on Capacity Building on Gardening Techniques and Practices, E-learning and Online Students Record Keeping under the aegis of RUSA on November 15 and 16, 2016 respectively. Prof. Y.C. Gupta , Head, Department of Floriculture and Landscaping from Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan(Himachal Pradesh) conducted the workshop.He elaborated on gardening and described it as a combination of Art, science and technology. He talked about the various types of landscaping techniques using different flowers and ground covers. Principal, Dr. Sudha Katyal encouraged the audience which included faculty members, members of the environment club as well as gardeners of the college to Go Green and develop gardening as a hobby that not only adds beauty to the surroundings but keeps one stress free as well. The second day saw the faculty and office staff of the college becoming e-savvy by attending a hands on workshop on e-learning and online students record keeping by Mr Naveen Dalal, Assistant Professor,​​ GGDSD College, Sector 32, Chandigarh in the morning session and on digital payment systems in the afternoon session by Mr Ravishankar Kumar, Manager and Mr Nikhilesh Shenoy, Assistant Manager, State Bank of Patiala. Paperless working at the college level was encouraged and a demonstration of the online admission process along with online track record of students and record keeping was done. Besides saving time, cost and paper, it will improve the enrollment rate of students and prove beneficial for those from far off places as they will have online access to the prospectus and admission procedures to be followed. Digital payment systems like e-buddy and means of cashless online and mobile transactions and their usage were demonstrated to the audience. Everyone was encouraged to shop cashless and support to the initiative taken by our worthy PrimeMinister. All the workshops were thoroughly informative and provided great insights of their respective fields.

»Home Science College Holds Free Classes for UGC NET/JRF

Government Home Science College is holding coaching classes for UGC NET/JRF, Paper I (Teaching Aptitude), Paper II and Paper III (Home Science), free of cost for the students from 21st November 2016-21st January 2017 under the aegis of RUSA. The classes are taken by subject experts in the college premises from 2.00p.m to 4.00p.m everyday. Principal, Dr Sudha Katyal encouraged the students to avail the free and quality facility provided for all students and in particular for those who cannot afford high fees by private coaching centers or have difficulty in finding coaching for the subject of Home Science as its syllabus being vast, includes thorough study of the subjects; Foods and Nutrition, Clothing and Textiles, Human Development and Family and Resource management as well. Interested students should visit the college and make the most of it.

»Students of put up Apparel and Home Decor exhibition in Home Science College

The students of M.Sc Clothing and Textiles of Government Home Science College created assorted collections and put up an exhibition from 2nd December to 6th December, 2016 in the college premises. The exhibit is showcasing beautiful tablecovers, bedsheets, cushion covers using techniques like patchwork, appliqué work, ribbon weaving in delightful colour combinations. The textile home décor collection includes articles for various spaces made from knotting including those for the balcony, emphasizing on recycling by using various weaving techniques. Apparel wear collection for the winters has arm and finger knitted scarfs and mufflers to offer. The bathroom collection displays towels and bath robes made stylish using fabric paint. The sustainable textile product range has various utility and eye catching articles made from inexpensive materials. Principal, Dr Sudha Katyal as well as the visitors praised the efforts put in by the students and the staff and placed orders for various articles. Those of you who like your home spaces stylish, should not miss onto this exhibit that is on till 6th December.

»Participation of Students of Government Home Science College in Chandigarh Carnival

Students of Government Home Science College prepared a fantasy float for Chandigarh Carnival on November 25, 2016. The students worked day and night to put their wild imagination into reality by using colourful papers in the shape of cartoon characters, flowers, butterflies and candies to transform a simple trolley into a colourful eye catching float. Ideas of Chandigarh as emerging solar power hub,a smart city and a happy place to live in were included in the fantasy float of the College.


»Students Participate in the 69th Annual Athletic Meet, P.U., Chandigarh

30 students participated in the march Past in the Annual Athletic Meet held at P.U, Chandigarh from November 22-25, 2016 under the guidance of S. Hardeep Singh Ghai. The college contingent was led by Manasvi of B.Sc H.Sc 3 rd year. Sarmishtha, Sanika, Amandeep of B.Sc H.Sc 2nd year and Kanika of B.Sc H.Sc 1st year took part in the 4 *100m relay race. Kanika gave her best throw at 7.13m in the event of shot put and also participated in the 400m race. Karamveer of B.Sc H.Sc 2nd year participated in the Discus Throw while Amandeep Kaur took part in the Long Jump and 100m. Sarmishtha also participated in the 100m and 200m races. Jaganjot of F.D 1st year took part in the 800m race.

»Awareness Talk on Digitization of National Career Service in the College

A talk on digitization of NCS was given by Mr. R.P.Saini, Sub Regional Employment Officer, University Employment Information and Guidance Bureau, PU Chandigarh to the final year students of B.Sc Home Science, M.Sc and Pg Diploma. He informed the students about the National Career Service under 'Digital India' Project and its implications and also encouraged the students to visit the Employment Office and know about various vacancies and career opportunities available to them. Students were motivated to Think Big, Declare their Dream, Plan for it and stick to a time table religiously to become successful in life.

»Students of Government Home Science College Showcase Chandigarh

Students of Government Home Science College Showcase Chandigarh as an emerging Solar Power Hub and as a Smart City through a float in the Chandigarh Carnival


Students prepared a fantasy float for Chandigarh carnival on November 25, 2016. The hard work of the students bore fruit as the float was a splitting image of their imagination where Chandigarh was visualized as a smart city along with being a solar power hub. The eye catching and colorful float was adorned with colorful papers in shape of cartoon characters, flowers, butterflies and candies showcasing Chandigarh as a dreamland and a clean, green and a happy place to live in.


»Educational trip to Government Museum, Chandigarh.

Students of B.Sc. Fashion Designing 3rd semester went on an educational trip to Government Museum, Chandigarh on November 18, 2016. They got a chance to appreciate architectural style of the Museum building designed by renowned architect Le Corbusier. Students saw few rare traditional textile exhibits which gave them in depth knowledge about the age-old motifs, designs and themes used. 

The remnants of the ancient Indian clothing became clearer to the students as they saw figurines discovered from the historic sites through a guided tour. Gandhara sculptures, Medievial Indian Sculptures and miniature Mughal paintings gave them a firsthand view of recorded history of costumes, ornaments, footwear, hair styles, headgears worn from Indus valley civilization to Mughal period (3000BC-1737).These sections held a special importance to the Fashion design students as they study History of Indian Costumes as a part of their curriculum in 3rd semester. The students also visited Natural History Museum and were excited to see the evolution of animal and human Life especially the Dinosaurs section which displayed some rare fossils of dinosaur eggs, bones, teeth and dung. 

Students had a spiritual treat viewing an exhibition titled 'Sacred Garden' by Delhi-based Scottish artist Olivia Fraser in the museum display gallery ,which were deeply inspired from India's artistic and cultural history. This trip was valuable for the students as they were able to retain more factual information regarding Indian costumes worn during different eras. Moreover, this visual indulgence embarked their creative talent and motivated them to design collection taking inspiration from historic costumes.

»Ms. Nisha won 1ST prize in Dasuti competition

Ms. Nisha won 1ST prize in Dasuti competition in 58th Panjab University Inter-Zonal and Heritage Festival held at Government College for Girls, Ludhiana on 4th November, 2016.

»Students of Government Home Science College brought laurels in Punjab University

The college students participated in various competitions in the individual and group category in Punjab University Zonal Youth Heritage Festival held from 26 to 29 September, 2016 at MCMDAV College, Chandigarh. In the category of Heritage competitions, Priya Raj and Nisha of B.Sc. FD Sem-III bagged the 1st prize in Pakhi making and Dasuti competitions. Shikha of B.Sc. FD Sem-III won 3rd prize in Khiddo making competition. Priya Raj and Nisha will participate in Pakhi making and Dasuti competitions in 58th Panjab University Interzonal and Heritage Festival to be held in Government college for Girls, Ludhiana from 2nd to 5th November, 2016. 

Dressed in colourful attires and enthusistic attitudes, the lavani team comprising of Mrilani Arora,Eva Sundra,Akshita and Sukhamdeep Kaur of B.Sc. (H.Sc.) Sem-I ,Samiksha Jha and Madhu of B.Sc. (H.Sc.) Sem-III and Neha and Priya of B.Sc. (H.Sc.) Sem-V danced away to a stage thumping performance and left the audiences spell bound by their grace and energy and won the 3rd Position in Group Dance Category. Madhu of B.Sc H.Sc. Sem III also bagged the 3rd prize in the individual category of the event. Jyotsana Azaad of B.Sc. FD Sem-I and Kiranpreet Kaur of B.Sc. (H.Sc.) Sem-I brought laurels to the college by standing 3rd in Solo Kathak performance and 2nd in Luddi in the individual category respectively. 

The college Mime team comprising of Priyanka, Alka, Harsimran of B.Sc. FD Sem-I, Kalpana Satwal, Kritika Mishra and Sangeeta of B.Sc. (H.Sc.) Sem-V and Anupriya of B.Sc. FD Sem-V enthralled the audience by their performance on the theme "Technology Addiction" and won the 3rd prize. Pallavi Gupta of B.Sc. FD Sem-V won 2nd prize in Mehndi competition. Aakriti Goyal of B.Sc. (H.Sc.) Sem-I won 3rd prize in Still life competition. Rajdeep Kaur Sandhu of M.Sc. (H.Sc.) CT Sem-III won the 2nd prize while speaking against the motion in the Debate competition on "Should Student Elections be encouraged". 

Principal, Dr Sudha Katyal congratulated all the prize winners, participants, their mentors and accompanists for putting efforts to the best of their abilities and bringing laurels to the college. She encouraged the students to participate in extra curricular activities enthusiastically without ignoring their academics as each has an equally important role in the holistic development.

»Diwali Exhibition-Cum-Sale in Home Science College

A two day exposition on the theme 'Earn While You Learn' of Diwali and home decorations was inaugurated by Dr. Sudha Katyal, Principal, Government Home Science College, Chandigarh on October 21, 2016.She congratulated the students of the Art department for putting up an artistic display of handwork with a professional touch and also motivated them to use their creative talent to start up their own entrepreneurial ventures.The students mixed and matched various art forms under the guidance of Mrs. Seema Jaitly, Arts Professor and created new designs of traditional homemade decor items -diyas, lamps, torans, puja thalis, strings of colourful lights ranging from Rs.25-180.The products got a tremendous response at the event.

»Human Chain formation for Blood Donation Camp

The Rotract Club of Government Home Science College formed a Human Chain for Blood Donation Camp on Madhya Marg, Chandigarh on October 1st, 2016. 85 college girls participated in the event. Followed by blood donation. The blood donation camp was organized by Rotract Club of Mohali.

»Home Science College go for Heritage Walk

6th October, 2016
As a part of the Heritage Walk to celebrate Art and Culture Festival by the Chandigarh Administration, a team of 61 students along with Dr Ravneet Chawla and Mr Hardeep Singh(Physical Edu) joined the young walkers from Chandigarh colleges and schools. The flag off was done by the Director Higher Education, Mr Jitender Yadav, IAS in presence of Mr Bikram Rana, State Liason Officer and officials of Dept of Tourism & Art and Culture. 

The students in full enthusiasm walked from Rose Garden through Museums and then reached the destination, Capitol Complex. At each point, the students were given information on the World wide recognition of the city's unique heritage status. Each site was given orientation about its inception and ongoing practices and events. The students were keen to listen to many new things they hardly ever knew, especially, the first year students from other cities residing in hostel. The culmination of the walk at Capitol Complex was amidst charming buildings of the High Court, Secretariat, Open hand to which the October morning breeze and well kept green patches were suitably complimenting. 

The students were keen to visit these places in detail at a later time with their friends. The administration provided fruit refreshments to all the participants. It was learning cum fitness initiative well applauded by the young citizens of Chandigarh.

»Investiture Ceremony and Talk by Experts from State Legal Services Authority

23rd SEPTEMBER 2016
Investiture Ceremony at Govt. Home Science College, began with asking The Almighty for his blessings and giving the Student Council and its members the strength and wisdom to carry on the duties delegated to them responsibly and diligently. Miss Nitima Mehta was sworn in as President, Akriti Thakur as Vice President , Nitika Goyal as Secretary cum Treasurer along with the Class Representatives , who pledged to fulfil their duties and to live up to the expectations of the students who duly elected them as well as the college. Principal, Dr Sudha Katyal congratulated the newly formed Council and urged them to work in unison , be responsible, not ignore academics and be a humble leader. She also congratulated the previous council for carrying out its duties very well that went a long way in helping the college to get accredited with 'A' grade.

The investiture ceremony was followed by a talk by Sh. Mahavir Singh, Member Secretary, State Legal Services Authority and later on by Mr Amrinder Sharma, Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Chandigarh. Mr Singh encouraged the students to participate in the activities of The Legal Awareness Club started in the college last month and volunteer wholeheartedly. Citing the importance of the club, he said that they will train students to become paralegal volunteers and address legal queries concerning drug menace, rights of transgender, divorce etc. He said that they will collaborate with the college and set up a Legal Aid Club and an Anti Drug Club in the long run.

Mr Sharma talked about Victim Assistance Scheme which addresses cases who need help, rehabilitation and also award compensation. He informed the audience about the special laws and helplines created for women and children and asked the audience to spread awareness about them. He quoted examples of women like Oprah Winfrey and Malala Yusufsai who have made a mark in the world by fighting for their rights as well as others. He implored the students to become examples themselves and made them aware about Cyber Laws and Cyber Crime. He ended by motivating the audience to become responsible citizens, be aware of our fundamental duties and provide help to those who require it.

»Government Home Science College, Accredited with 'A' Grade by NAAC

17th September 2016 
The College was visited by the NAAC Peer team for Assessment and Accreditation from September 1st to 3rd September, 2016.The College has been accredited with 'A' Grade by the NAAC team. 

Principal, Dr Sudha Katyal appreciated the efforts put in by one and all in the college that helped it to achieve the grade and emplored everyone to continue working with the same zeal to take the college to even greater heights .

»One day workshop on "Techniques in Molecular Biology"

15th September, 2016 One day workshop on "Techniques in Molecular Biology" was organised by the Department of Zoology, Government Home Science College, Sector 10, Chandigarh in collaboration with Hi Media Laboratories Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai. Twenty six students of the first and third semester of Master of Science in Foods and Nutrition participated in the workshop. The participants conducted hands on experiments on extraction of DNA from Bacteria, Plasmid, Blood and Plant materials; Preparation of Gel, Submarine Electrophoresis of the extracted DNA for visualization and quantitation. They also learn the technique of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Certificates were handed over to all the participants by the Principal of the college, Dr Sudha Katyal.

»Rotaract Club of the Govt. Home Science College was given 'Best International Service Project Award'

Rotaract Club of the Govt. Home Science College was given 'Best International Service Project Award' and 'Best Club Service Project Award' for the tenure 2015-16.

Student Support


»College signed MoU with Regional Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, Chandigarh.

College signed MoU with Regional Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, Chandigarh, in conducting programmes in various skill development activities sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, Directorate of Industries ,U.T. Chandigarh,Khadi and Village industries Commission (KVIC),Govt. of India , National Skill Development Corporation , Tech Mahindra Foundation and Tynor Orthotics etc.

»Inaugural issue of College News Letter Released

»70th Independence Day Celebration

The college celebrated 70th Independence Day with zeal and enthusiasm with the help of NCC unit. Students of the college and Tiny tots of Chaitanya Nursery School together participated in the cultural programme. Patriotism and unity messages were given by their performances. 

Principal Dr. Sudha Katyal hoisted the National Flag. She addressed the audience to be free from social evils and work with unity and devotion. She focused to work for the community, college and nation as well. Independence is a precious gift given by the martyrs and to take care the nation is our prime duty. Let's celebrate the day and promise to maintain its dignity.