GHSC-10 Organises Sensitisation on Harmful Effects of Drug Abuse through Nukkad Natak

Date: 13 August, 2024

VADA Club of Government Home Science College, Chandigarh organised Nukkad Natak to sensitise students about the harmful effects of drug abuse. The theme of the Nukkad Natak was ‘ Nasha kare Naash, Ho Zindagi Barbaad’. Students conveyed a powerful message about the destructive consequences of drug abuse on addicts and their families. The plot of the natak  revolves around how addiction can lead  not only ruining the lives of addicts but also their families. More than 67 students were part of the event. With powerful performances, the students  conveyed a strong message to the audience that addiction is akin to disaster, capable of destroying even the most stable and loving families. Principal of the college, Prof. Sudha Katyal highlighted the urgency to combat substance abuse, urging everyone to contribute to a drug-free and healthy India. She further insisted that such events serve as a powerful reminder that the responsibility to build a better society begins with each individual’s choice to say ‘no to drugs’.