Home Science Students Shine in Library Week Celebrations at T. S. Central State Library, Sector 17, Chandigarh 19.11.22

Date: 19 November, 2022

A National Library Week cum Children’s Day was celebrated by T. S. Central State Library Sector 17, Chandigarh to acquaint the students with the plethora of resources available in the libraries in India and around the world. Various events such as Poster- Making, Declamation contest were organized to inculcate the reading habits among students. Among other events, our students participated in Poster Making and Declamation completions organized on the theme of Importance of Book Reading. Livjot Kaur, a student of B.Sc. Home Science College performed exceptionally in the declamation contest and bagged first position in the event. Similarly, Palak from B.Sc. Home Science received consolation prize in the poster making event.The Principal of the College, Prof. Sudha Katyal, congratulated the students for achieving this remarkable feat and encouraged others to participate in such events.