Date: 15 September, 2018
Government Home Science College organized a Nutrition and Health Mela to generate and promote awareness regarding wholesome Nourishment for good health to reduce stunting under nutrition and anemia among young children, adolescent girls and women. It was organized in collaboration with NSS wing of the college and Department of Foods and Nutrition with an aim to spread nutritional awareness, provide nutritional counseling, help in health assessment and health check – up. About 400 people from different colonies and rural areas of Chandigarh attended this Mela in the college premises. It comprises of tiny tots of Chaitanya Nursery School, their parents, rural women attending DAY-NULM free training in Fashion Designing and Rural Associate Women workers attending the 5-days training programme in the college.
Highlight of this Mela was Nukkad Natak focusing on Nutrition at various stages of life cycle. It was beautifully put up by college girls and was really successful in generating nutritional awareness right from conception till adolescent period in a very effective manner.
It was followed by Health check –up conducted with a team of doctors and paramedical staff from Fortis Hospital. Dr. Esha Arora , internal medicine specialist, and her team conducted general health screening, measurement of Blood Pressure, height and weight measurement and BMI assessment. Post Graduate Dietetics Students of the college also held a Diet Clinic.
A Dental health check up was carried out by Dr. Shivani and Dr. Hardeep K. Chawla in collaboration withOral Rehabilitation and Implant Centre, Sec-34 C, Chd.
A team of students studying P.G. Diploma in Dietetics also conducted an awareness programme at composite anganwadi building Ramdarbar Chandigarh in collaboration with Social Welfare Department, Chandigarh .
From today, NCC wing of the college also started Swachta Abhiyan.
Principal of the college, Prof. Sudha Katyal, highly appreciated the efforts of the students and faculty members for the conduct of Nutrition and Health Check-up. She encouraged students and staff to continue with such efforts for improving the nutrition and health of the masses.