Orientation Programme For NSS Volunteers July 1, 2018

Date: 01 July, 2018

With an aim to inculcate social welfare in students and to provide services to the society, Government Home Science College organized an Orientation Programme for the NSS Volunteers for the session 2018-19. The NSS Volunteers work tirelessly throughout the year in pursuance of the NSS Motto ‘NOT ME BUT YOU’ . Volunteers are involved in various on campus and off campus activities throughout the year. The college has an adopted village Khuda Ali Sher for carrying out community services. Various activities like Swachta AbhiyanSanitation and Hygiene, Health Care, Environmental Conservation are organized periodically. Volunteers sensitize the villagers to generate awareness through Nukkad Nataks, Rallies and Social Interactions. The volunteers are made aware regarding the future prospects of NSS in acedamics and Career.


Orientation Programme was conducted in the month of July to orient the students regarding the aims and objective of NSS. The NSS Coordinators Ms. Seema Jaitly and Dr. Neha Sharma focused on the importance of understanding the community in which they work. They also motivated the students to utilize their knowledge and skills in finding practical solutions to the individual and community problems. They also highlighted that, being the third dimension of Education, the NSS is a part of our academics, social and personal life. It encourages the students to actively contribute their services for the cause of community and nation and thereby contributing the students to develop their own personalities holistically.


During the programme, students came up with new and innovative ideas that can be adopted throughout the year to accomplish the motto of National Service Scheme (NSS) i.e. NOT ME BUT YOU. Duties were also allotted to the students to ensure active participation of each and every student throughout the year. The students were also taught the NSS Song and NSS Clap. Appraising the volunteers about the aims and objectives of NSS, Principal of the college, Prof. Sudha Katyal further motivated the NSS volunteers. She encouraged the students to acquire leadership qualities, democratic attitude and practice National Integration and Social Harmony.