More than 600 participants at Anemia Free Campaign held at Home Science College

Date: 01 October, 2018

Government Home Science College in the wake of the continuing Poshan Maah celebrations today launched a campaign for “Anemia Free Chandigarh” . A host of activities were conducted ranging from nutrition exhibition which included a display of posters and iron rich recipes such as Palak dhokla, Palak patta chart, Poha cutlets and Iron rich ladoos to name a few. Screening and clinical assessment of anemia was carried out by a renowned team of doctors from PGI, Chandigarh led by Dr. Bhavneet Bharti . The campaign witnessed a huge success. More than 600 participants including resident students of 3 different Government Colleges staying in the college campus, staff and support staff of the college, students from nearby villages and Gur Asra orphanage adolescents from Palsora village, trainee women under NULMproject and public from nearby local areas took part in the event. Facility for Oral Health checkup led byDr. Som Banerjee along with his team of doctors from Oral Rehabilitation Centre, Sec 34, was also provided. Post graduate students of the college set up a kiosk providing dietary counselling for anemia and sale of nutritious iron rich snacks.

Shri Rubinderjit Singh Brar Director Higher Education, Chandigarh was also a part of the event and encouraged the efforts put in by the college. Principal Prof. Sudha Katyal spearheaded the pledge along with the participants to eat healthy iron rich diet and spread knowledge about nutritional management of anemia to help make Chandigarh anemia free.