Seven Days Yoga & Mediation Camp at Home Science College, Chandigarh 30.01.24

Date: 30 January, 2024

With the goal of holistic development of students, Victory Against Drug Abuse (VADA) Club of  Govt. Home Science College is  organising a ‘Seven Days Yoga & Meditation Camp’ for students from January 24 - 30, 2024. The camp is being organised with an aim of reducing stress, embracing positivity and improving concentration among students by making yoga & meditation  a part and parcel of their life. On the first day of the camp, students were highlighted about the significance of various asanas and kriyas. Students performed different asanas which  included Tadasana, Vrksasana, Padahastasana, Ardhacakrasana, Trikonasana, Bhadrasana, Sasankasana, Vakrasana, Makarasana, Pavanamuktasna, Savasana and Kapalabhati along with explaining the importance of each asana. Around 57 students attended the session. Participants thoroughly performed  various asanas as demonstrated and the session brought a breeze of freshness amongst them.

Prof. Sudha Katyal, Principal of the college applauded the efforts of studentsand urged them to participate with great zeal in the camp. She further highlighted that Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that leads to calmness, peace and confidence amongst individuals. In her concluding remarks, she motivated the participants to make yoga and meditation a significant part of their life and stay away from drugs.