Skill Enhancement and Start-Up Building Session at Govt Home Science College 22.09.22
Date: 22 September, 2022
The placement cell of Govt Home Science College in collaboration with Skill Labs Pvt. Ltd organised a "Skill Enhancement and Start-Up Building Session" for its students as a part of its MOU with this start-up. The focus of the session was to orient the students with the basic know-how of entrepreneurial/ startup journey. The resource person for the session was Dr Himesh Sharma, Director and founder of Skill Labs. Dr. Himesh started the session by introducing the students with various traits of an entrepreneur. He motivated the students to build up their own start-ups by citing examples of various successful entrepreneurs. As many approximately 100 undergraduate and postgraduate students participated in the session. Dr. Himesh added that many start-ups fail because their business ideas are not in concurrence with demand of real-life customers. A budding entrepreneur will be successful in establishing a suitable business model only when he identifies the demands of customers and its potential market.
Later in the session, final year students and budding entrepreneurs of the college showcased their exquisite handmade innovative productsto the resource person. Dr. Himesh suggested them various ways of selling those handmade items based on business to business model (B2B) and business to customer model (B2C).Skills labs assured the students for providing handholding in setting up microenterprises.
Principal Prof Sudha Katyalsaid that innovation and entrepreneurship is the need of hour and urgedthe students to explore their unhidden talentss to appraise themselves as successful entrepreneurs.