Date: 15 August, 2020

Keeping in mind the safety measures and social distancing norms, the staff of the college celebrated the 74th Independance day. The pandemic   could not dampen the spirits as online competitions of Patriotic dance and singing were held whose results are to be announced on Monday due to an overwhelming response recieved from all over the country. Principal of the college, Prof. Sudha Katyal appreciated the efforts of our frontline warriors and paramedic staff during these times but specifically mentioned the vital contribution of Class 4 workers of the college and everywhere including chowkodars, aayas, malis and drivers without whom it would have been very difficult to keep the things going in these testing times. She saluted the spirit of work and dedication of these workers. The principal encouraged everyone to upskill themselves and work towards the goal of being Atma Nirbhar as advocated by our Hon’ Prine Minister Shri Narendra Modi. She lauded the efforts of the students of the college who are working towards self employment and encouraged the faculty  to help the students in becoming Atamnirbhar. Tree plantation was also carried out to contribute to the environment as well as to symbolise growth and prosperity of the nation even in the pandemic .