Waste Collection Drive under Waste to Wealth Mission held at GHSC 10.10.22
Date: 10 October, 2022
The environment society "Harita" of Government Home Science College, Chandigarh, along with the faculty and students contributed towards the Waste to Wealth Mission "Lets make our Chandigarh Single Use Plastic and E-waste Free” being organised by Swarmani Youth Welfare Association U.T. Chandigarh. A waste collection drive was organized in the college premises on 10th October 2022. Single use plastic waste such as old CDs, PET bottles, Plastic packaging and wrappers and E-waste such as old and broken mobile phones, batteries, torch, electric circuits and switches, coils, wires etc. were collected under this drive.Principal of the college Prof. Sudha Katyal sensitized the students about the hazards of unsafe disposal of plastic and e-waste into the landfills. She encouraged the students to practice waste segregation and safe waste disposal at their homes and public spaces so as to contribute towards a clean and green environment.